Американская гимнастка сломала обе ноги при приземлении. Кошмарное видео (18+)

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Американская спортсменка Сэм Серио сломала обе ноги при приземлении на гимнастический мат. Инцидент произошел на региональных соревнованиях в Батон-Руж (Луизиана). Спортсменка не рассчитала прыжок и неудачно приземлилась. После этого Серио в своем Инстаграме объявила о завершении карьеры. 

- Вечером в пятницу я в последний раз выходила на соревнования в качестве гимнастки. После 18 лет в спорте пришло время для ухода из спорта, – написала спортсменка.

Auburn senior Sam Cerio broke both her legs and dislocated both knees during her floor routine yesterday. Horrific and utterly heartbreaking way to end her collegiate athletic career.

WATCH WITH DISCRETIONpic.twitter.com/kVBSvH6vk1

– ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕊𝕋𝔸ℕℂ𝔼 🐺 (@FilthyJeepGirl) 7 апреля 2019 г.           Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram                  

Friday night was my final night as a gymnast. After 18 years I am hanging up my grips and leaving the chalk behind. I couldn’t be prouder of the person that gymnastics has made me to become. It’s taught me hard work, humility, integrity, and dedication, just to name a few. It’s given me challenges and road blocks that I would have never imagined that has tested who I am as a person. It may not have ended the way I had planned, but nothing ever goes as planned. Thank you Auburn family for giving me a home and a chance to continue doing the sport that will always be my first love. I am honored to have had the privilege to represent the navy and orange AU for the past 4 years with my team by my side. Thank you for letting me share my passion with you. Thank you for letting me be a part of something bigger than myself. War Eagle Always 💙🧡

Публикация от Sam Cerio (@sam_cerio) 7 Апр 2019 в 10:30 PDT