Форвард "Голден Стэйт" Кевин Дюрант успешно перенес операцию по поводу разрыва ахилла. Об этом баскетболист сообщил в своем Инстаграме.
Дюрант получил травму в 5-м матче финальной серии с "Торонто" (106:105).
Восстановление после подобной травмы занимает 7-10 месяцев.
Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram What’s good everybody I wanted to update you all: I did rupture my Achilles. Surgery was today and it was a success, EASY MONEY My road back starts now! I got my family and my loved ones by my side and we truly appreciate all the messages and support people have sent our way. Like I said Monday, I'm hurting deeply, but I'm OK. Basketball is my biggest love and I wanted to be out there that night because that’s what I do. I wanted to help my teammates on our quest for the three peat. Its just the way things go in this game and I'm proud that I gave it all I physically could, and I'm proud my brothers got the W. It's going to be a journey but I'm built for this. I’m a hooper I know my brothers can get this Game 6, and I will be cheering with dub nation while they do it.Публикация от 35 (@easymoneysniper) 12 Июн 2019 в 12:54 PDT