Handball Russia is planning to win in Ukraine before going to Italy

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Russian national handball team went to Kiev today, where it will participate in the "Turchin Memorial" on November, 23-25. The tournament, traditionally held in the last autumn month commemorates Igor Turchin, an honoured coach of Spartak (Kiev), who could have celebrated his 65th birthday this year, says SE-Internet correspondent Natalia KUNDRIUKOVA.

The chief coach of the Russian team Evgeny Trefilov said that the team comprises 18 handball players. Among them there are goalkeepers Svetlana Bogdanova (Ferrobus, Spain), Tatiana Alizar (Aqua) and Maria Sidorova (Lada), half-midfielders Raisa Veraksa, Alina Dolgih (both from Rostselmash), Nadezda Muravieva (Aqua), Anna Kareeva (Lada) and Svetlana Smirnova (Kuban), forwards Irina Poltoratskaya (Lada), Elena Chausova (Aqua) e Tatiana Dyadechko (Motor, Ukraine), line players Oksana Romenskaya, Elena Parshkova (both from Lada), Anna Ignatchenko (AGU-Adinf) and Olga Antipina (Aqua).

Svetlana Mozgovaya (Trir) will not play - the club's administration decided that they won't manage without the Russian players these days, as well as Marina Naukovich (Aqua), who has old trauma exacerbation - periosteim exfoliation. Naukovich will go through a 5-week treatment course. She is unlikely to recover by the beginning of the world championship. Another two sportswomen - goalkeepers Inna Suslina and Nigina Saidova (both from Lada) will continue their training in Tolyatti. Evgeny Trefilov knows their playing capabilities well as he is also the coach of Lada (Tolyatti).

The Russian national team will play with the teams of Ukraine, Hungary and Korea in Kiev, if The Korean team decides to play with them before the world championship, where they will have to play in one team with our handball players.

Turchin's memorial is the final stage of preparation of our group to the world championship in Bressanon, Italy on December, 4.

The final meeting the national team will be held from November, 26 to Decamber, 2, the final list of players is to be decided there. There are 16 players claiming the participation in the world championship, including goalkeepers.