Football Lokomotiv goes to Germany

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Lokomotiv goes to the last meeting in this season this morning. The meeting will last till December, 1. The players will take regular airplane for Moscow-Frankfurt flight, the rest of the way to Rujt vice-champions of Russia will make by bus. There were made some changes to the squad composure while they were preparing for the first match with Hapoel in Cyprus. Chugainov, Cherevichenko and Obradovich haven't jointed the team in Germany. The latter two cannot participate in the riposte match in the 1/16 finals of the UEFA Cup due to disqualification, and the team's captain has a trauma. They were substituted by Evseev and Lavrik. The dates of the control matches and the opponents are not fixed yet. Presumably among them there will be clubs of the second bundesleague, SE correspondent Jury BUTNEV reports.