Football Voronezh fans are against renaming Fakel

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Fakel (Voronezh) administration officials said that it is possible that Voronezh club be called differently - Energy, starting from the next season, SE-Internet correspondent Timur IVANOV reports.

We should remind that a month ago Eduard Saenko became the president of Fakel. Previously he headed women football club Energy (Voronezh) which repeatedly won Russian championships and Russian cup. This there will be already the third Energy in Voronezh as there exists men handball club with the same name, and it is very successful in European cups championships.

Central stadium of trade unions administration received request from Fakel for assessing terms and costs of works on changing plastic chairs grouped in colour to make an inscription 'Fakel' for the ones with 'Energy'. The club's administration motivated it saying the old title was unlucky and sounded inharmoniously in English variant.

These talks about renaming Fakel caused great indignation among Voronezh fans, who repeatedly declared their negative attitude to the "new authority" in media.