Chess Kasparov defeats Kramnik on penalty

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Analysts predicted that reactive Kramnik will have advantage in rapid and blitz games while rational Kasparov will strive to win in classic games. The reality turned quite opposite. The first, classic part of the match was surprisingly peaceful and ended in a draw.

The rapid games took 30 minutes each. Kasparov and Kramnik won a game each and the score remained equal - 5:5. The blitz game was decisive, Kasparov won - 6,5:3,5. He was in victorious mood, and that was visible. It was very important to prove everybody and first of all to himself that he can defeat Kramnik. And he managed that!

To be objective - the opposition of two great masters wasn't as bright as it was expected. Three of four classic games were, probably, thrilling for the players themselves but not for the fans and spectators, who hoped to see a tough fight and saw only short draws. Rapid and blitz games were much more animated and interesting. But their result doesn't mean that one champion is stronger then the other. It's still clear that Vladimir Borisovich is still the strongest opponent to Garry Kimovich, and that both can be called planet's best players. They are going to participate in supertournament in Astana (Kazakhstan). Who knows how will it end?

                                               Nikita KIM