Cross country Russians tried to surpass Norwegians throughout the race but were defeated by one Swede

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Russian men achieved second place in World Cup team race in Davos (Switzerland). On the one hand, it's a great success, on the other… The race went in a very interesting way.

First stage: second Norway team is leading (Hjelmeset), half a minute lag has first one (Estil). One minute later goes Russia (Denisov). Second stage: Russians first (Ivanov), then Norway-1 (Jevne) and Germany. Norway-2 is far behind. Third stage - Alsgaard and Vilissov go together, but in the end Norwegian goes beyond (0,7 sec.). All the rest are over 20 seconds behind.

Sweden team: first stage - 13th place, 26 seconds lag. Second stage - 5th place, 23 seconds lag. Third stage - 5th place, 22 seconds. In the fourth stage Per Eloffson is the first.

World Cup stage, Switzerland


Team Race 4X10 km

1.Sweden-1 (Lindgren/Fredriksson/Junsson/Eloffson) - - 1:39.42,00


3.Norway-1 (Estil/Jevne/Alsgaard/Hjetland) - 6,30

4.Italy - 12,20

5.Germany - 35,60

6.Norway-2 - 1.16,30