Bandy Enisei achieves hard victory in Chita

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Saturday's match of the 10th tour in West group had an unexpected final. Enisei (Krasnoyarsk) defeated host team SKA-Zabaikalets - 3:1. The host team had advantage and didn't realize three favorable moments. Only vast experience and professionalism allowed champions to win. And only a year ago Enisei defeated their opponent 13:0.

Notwithstanding this doubtful victory, the Krasnoyarsk club is leading in the West group, first time this season.

Russian championship

West group

SKA-Zabaikalets (Chita) - Enisei (Krasnoyarsk) - 1:3 (0:1)

Goals: Suzdalev (Kadakin - corner), 43 (0:1). Petrov - from 12 meters, 56 (1:1). Maximov (Kadakin - corner), 84 (1:2). Lomanov (Maximov), 89 (1:3).

Goalkeepers: Ozersky - Balandin.

Penalty: 40 - 40.

Referee: Abdullin (Omsk).

Chita, stadium SibVO. 3000 spectators. -17 degrees.

Team results

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