Газета Спорт-Экспресс № 128 (4408) от 9 июня 2007 года, интернет-версия - Полоса 7, Материал 21

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/ 9 июня 2007 | Хроника




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BRUSSELS. Belgian police raided 10 homes of cyclists and team assistants across the country on Thursday and found a large quantity of banned doping substances, Belgian prosecutors said on Thursday.

Prosecutors in the western town of Kortrijk questioned 13 people in connection with the findings. One will appear before a judge on Friday charged with possessing banned substances, two were allowed to go home while a decision has yet to be taken on the remaining 10.

"A large quantity of doping products has been found," a spokesman said. "I cannot confirm any names or the names of any team or what the products were."

He added that the investigation had started in response to information received from a Belgian member of parliament who had claimed that he had evidence of doping in Belgium. Belgian team Quick Step, which includes former world champion Tom Boonen and Olympic and reigning world champion Paolo Bettini, confirmed a physiotherapist belonging to the team was among the people held for questioning.

"I don't know who it is as the prosecutors don't want to reveal any identity. We are waiting to have his name before issuing a statement," Quick Step spokesman Alessandro Tegner told Reuters. "I have just spoken to Tom Boonen a few moments ago and, as far as he was concerned, there have been no raids on his house," said Tegner.

"I have also spoken to some other riders and they have been training and unaware of anything going on. We will have to wait and see what the prosecutors say."

Quick Step was plunged into controversy when ex-rider Johan Museeuw, a former world champion, admitted at the start of this year that he had used drugs to enhance his performance. Museeuw, currently public relations officer for the team, faces a criminal trial later this month.

LONDON. Design critics described the jagged logo unveiled on Monday for London's 2012 Olympic Games as messy and dated with the most charitable saying it was brave but poorly executed. The logo, four jigsaw-like pieces forming the numbers 2012 and coming in a range of colours from hot pink to electric blue, was saluted as innovative by Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee.

"(It was) an early indication of the dynamism, modernity and inclusiveness with which London 2012 will leave its Olympic mark," he said. Design and advertising professionals were less enthused. "The predominant emotional feel is more about a sense of disintegration. What I almost see is a map of London divided into boroughs," said Chris Bullar, who teaches creative advertising at the London College of Communication. "The 2012 is difficult at first sight to pick out."

Patrick Burgoyne, editor of Creative Review, a leading visual communication magazine, said people with whom he had spoken about the logo were "quite shocked and quite outraged".

Burgoyne said it was not likely to stand the test of time such as logos for past Games, such as Munich 1972, but he still found some positive elements in the design.

"It doesn't have Big Ben or a Union Jack or a crown on it, so the designers should be at least applauded for not going down the wearily predictable route," he said.

He also said the logo was well suited for the multi-media age, lending itself to animation and on-line display. On newstoday.com, a popular on-line forum for designers, contributors registered their disappointment.

"I like the idea, but don't know if it's been executed as well as it could have been," said one person using the screen name, Raniator.

Another user, Moth, replied: "Perfectly reflective of the London Olympics then."

More than 80 percent of the respondents to a BBC online poll on Monday disapproved of the logo.

LOS ANGELES. The last time the world looked at Amanda Beard she was winning her first individual Olympic gold medal at the Athens Games. There's a lot more of the 25-year-old swimmer on view in the July issue of Playboy, where a topless Beard is on the cover billed as "the world's sexiest athlete nude."

Inside, she takes off her clothes in eight pictures certain to create a stir among rivals and young girls who consider her a role model. Beard is unapologetic about what she calls her latest "outside adventure." After all, she's modeled in men's magazines before, notably a spread in FHM that left little to the imagination.

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I really felt excited and motivated to do it," she told The Associated Press on Thursday, sipping coffee in the sunny backyard of her Venice home.

"I'm kind of used to people not necessarily agreeing with everything that I do and that's totally fine. This doesn't change my personality or who I am. It's just a business decision, a career decision."

Beard, who previously dated NASCAR driver Carl Edwards, posed in the prime of her career. She's aiming to qualify for her fourth Olympics next year in Beijing, and is the Olympic champion and former world-record holder in the 200-meter breaststroke. It may be months before Beard is competing in meets and can gauge the reaction of her fellow swimmers to her magazine spread. She won't begin serious training for the Olympics until later this year, when she plans to give up riding motorcycles, snowboarding and vacations.

"It would only feel awkward if they make comments to me about it," she said. "We'll see how that one goes."

Beard first came to attention at the 1996 Games, where as a scrawny 14-year-old she toted her teddy bear to the starting blocks and won two silver medals. She medaled at the 2000 Games, too.

"There's a lot of debate about whether it demeans women and female athletes," said Dave Salo, Beard's coach at Trojan Swim Club. "If nothing else, it celebrates the athleticism and takes away from the model-type women."

Beard is aware of the criticism she could get from the mothers of young swimmers and girls. But she points out those are some of the same people who had her autograph FHM when she was in that magazine.

"I've had so many women approach me and say, 'We love seeing a good, healthy body being portrayed as beauty," she said. "I'm healthy. I work out like crazy. I'm not one of those people that's partying wee into the hours. This, I think, is a better role model than most."

Within her own family, Beard was surprised at the reaction.

"My grandma was like, 'Oh, she doesn't need to do that, but it's her choice," she said, adding that her divorced parents backed her, too. "I told my dad that I'd take like black tape and kind of mark out certain things, so he doesn't feel awkward looking at it. He's like, 'Could ya?"'

Beard said her agent, Evan Morgenstein, had previously turned down Playboy because she wasn't ready. He points out that "she is not the victim." Beard said she was swayed this time because the magazine allowed her to select the photographer (a woman), the photos that were used and the settings. Morgenstein declined to comment on how much Beard was paid.

"The thing I respect most about her is she's always been willing to take the risk and let the chips fall where they may," he said. "She's more of a role model today because she's willing to stand up and take the heat."

Beard is trying to position herself for a career away from the pool, and she sees the magazine spread as a way to attract nonswimming fans. She envisions developing her own business empire, similar to former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Kathy Ireland's line of apparel and home furnishings. She and Morgenstein have hired a licensing agency to help develop products, like fragrances, apparel and home products to be part of a signature Amanda Beard collection. She's also sorting through TV hosting offers and a movie script.

"You have to remember, I'm still just a swimmer," she said. "I am living a great lifestyle and I'm making good money, but I'm not a basketball player. These deals are not $40 million deals."

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3. Второе задание: в субботу или в воскресенье вы должны будете посмотреть телетрансляцию финальных матчей теннисного турнира Roland Garros (суббота, женщины, Энен - Янкович; воскресенье, мужчины, Федерер - Надаль), и написать о любом из этих двух поединков отчет - опять же с таким подходом, как будто вы пишете этот материал для публикации в "СЭ". Размер заметки - 4000 символов.

4. Свои резюме и материалы вы должны отправить по электронной почте по адресу id@sport-express.ru не позже 6:00 утра 10 июня 2007 года по московскому времени.